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The Mountain Breathes Beyond Measure

​artist:chen jiacheng

"The Mountain Breathes Beyond Measure" is a research action based on the  phenomenon of wetness in the tunnel space of BMCA. In the meanwhile, it also reflects on the surveying and drafting techniques that develop in the modern era. It takes the remaining urban space anchored by the tunnel space as the starting point of investigation and initiates a spatial study of this "non-place".

The "largest artificial waterfall in Asia" was once built on the mountain attached to BMCA, which was later demolished. After some repairs, a huge remaining space was left between the mountain and the urban interface, depleted with sunlight. It is what maintenance engineers call the "Back Mountain Canyon", the infrastructure of building infrastructures, like a sac that cannot heal after injury. The concrete roof on top exists like a scab that cannot be removed.

The so-called "tunnel space" is regenerated on the mountain that has been dug up. Like a blind box, it is anchored on the long-abandoned landscape waterfall and has become the interior of the interior structure. The tunnel space is destined to play a role of speechlessness: the space possesses no construction in the disciplinary discourse of Architecture, and therefore is aphasic in academic discussions; engineers who normally use it do not speak out outside of maintenance tasks; for the audience who enter it, the muted scene they see through the window is fragmentary, often leading their imagination to be distorted. When located in this hanging blind box, we would start to fall into multiple "interiors" and are more or less bewildered.

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